(English follows)
最先端の研究・デザイン活動を紹介するカジュアルなトークイベントシリーズ「インスパイアトーク(Inspire Talks)」。第21回目の今回は「Robots with Personality: designing robotic movements」というテーマで、動きが表現するロボットの個性ついて、工学とデザイン、研究と実践の両側面から、2名の登壇者に語っていただきます。
DLX Design Labからは、ヴァリ・ラリオティ博士(ロンドン芸術大学クリエイティブ・コンピューティング研究所プログラムディレクター)が、人間とロボットとの関わり方や、創造的な作業におけるロボットの動きの課題とその意義について語り、最新のプロトタイプやロボット研究者とデザイナーの共同研究成果を展示形式で紹介します。
日時:2022年6月1日(水)19:00~20:30 (日本時間)(進行によって終了時間が多少前後します。)
形式:会場参加 + Youtube stream
Inspire Talks is an exciting opportunity to enjoy hearing about cutting edge topics from science and design. In the next session we will feature two special speakers, one from University of the Arts London, who is visiting DLX Design Lab here in Tokyo and the other a Professor from the Design-Led X Platform at the Institute of Industrial Science – they will be talking about their latest research and projects associated with the robotic movement.
Prof. Shunji Yamanaka (Professor of Design Engineering, IIS, The University of Tokyo) is one of the most respected design engineers in Japan, with previous work ranging from wristwatches to railway carriages, will talk about life-like robots that re-examine the relationship between humans and machines and designing bio-likeness in robotic movement.
Dr. Vali Lalioti (Programme Director, Creative Computing Institute, University of the Arts London) will talk about the challenge and significance of robotic movement in how we engage and work creatively with robots and present the latest robotic prototypes and co-design research with roboticists and designers in a capsule-exhibition.
Following the talks, there will be a short Q&A session.
Date / Time: Wednesday June 1st, 2022 - 19:00-20:30 hrs (Japan) / 11:00-12:30 hrs (UK)
Style: Onsite & Youtube streaming
You can choose onsite (The University of Tokyo) or YouTube.
The venue: S-Building, Komaba II Research Campus, The University of Tokyo
Language: Japanese (English talk will be sequentially translated)
How to book:
Please sign up here https://inspiretalks0601-22.peatix.com/
We are looking forward to seeing you online or in person!