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Inspire Talks Session 17 - Cutting-edge Projects from Design and Science


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最先端の研究・デザイン活動を紹介するカジュアルなラボ・トークイベントシリーズ「インスパイアトーク(Inspire Talks)」。シリーズ通算17回目を迎える次回は、ポリマーを題材に「色」の可能性について、3人の科学者とデザイナーが自身のプロジェクトを現在進行形で語ります。


DLX Design Labは杉原研究室や企業と協力し、このメカノクロミックポリマーの応用の可能性をデザイン的見地から探求しています。「Sensing for your new sense」というテーマを足がかりに、6カ月にわたって進められて来たプロジェクトの軌跡と今後を船井翔(研究生、DLX Design Lab)がプレゼンします。

一方、RCAの活動からは、クーゲル有咲(デザイナー)が「Colour Continued」というプロジェクトをご紹介します。このプロジェクトは、色相を大幅に変えることができるHPCと呼ばれるバイオポリマーを使用し、色のコントロールが私たちの未来ー行動、経済、環境、幸福ーにどのような影響を与えるか、という問いを投げかけています。


日時:2022年2月2日(水)19:00~20:30 (日本時間)(進行によって終了時間が多少前後します。)




Inspire Talks is an exciting opportunity to enjoy hearing about cutting edge topics from science and design. The next session will be held on February 2nd.

The "forces" around us, such as grip strength, loads on buildings and machines, friction, etc., are closely related to our health and safety, but there are many types of forces that cannot be measured with existing technologies, such as sensitivity and resolution. Kaori Sugihara (Lecturer, IIS) will explain the mechanism and application of a new technology that enables force measurement at the molecular level under the theme of "Mechanochromic Polymer that Change its Colour when Pressed.

From design perspectives, DLX Design Lab is collaborating with Sugihara Lab to explore the potential applications of mechanochromic polymer. With the theme "Sensing for your new sense" as a foothold, Kakeru Funai (Research Student, DLX Design Lab) will present the project that has been explored for 6 months.

As an RCA project, Alisa Koegel (Designer) will introduce "Colour Continued". By using a biopolymer called HPC, which can drastically change its hues, the project focuses on the question : How will the control of color affect our future - our behavior, economy, environment, and happiness?

The talks will be followed by a Q&A session, where the speakers will answer questions from the audience and discuss among them across specialties.

Date/Time: Wednesday February 2nd, 2022 - 19:00-20:30 hrs (Japan)

Please book from the above page.

Participation Fee: Free

Translation: No translation (All the presentations will be in Japanese.)


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