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Thomas Leech

Department22 共同ファウンダー。Royal College of ArtとBrunel Universityにてプロダクトデザインを学び、Mulberry、Morphy Richards、Adrok、Onzoなど注目度の高い企業のR&Dを経験する。サーキュラーエコノミーを開発する次世代を育てるSchmidt Macarthurフェローシップの出身。先端素材に精通し、Burberry Future Material Research Groupのアソシエイトリサーチャーとして、持続可能な素材の開発、顧客体験やものつくりの革新に貢献している。

Thomas Leech studied at Brunel University and graduated from  the Royal College of Art (RCA) with MA in Product Design . He has over ten years R&D experience in the design world, working with well known brands including Mulberry, Morphy Richards, Adrok and Onzo, spanning from domestic appliances, to luxury fashion and the mining industry.
During his time at the RCA he was selected from students across the college to become an alumnus of the Schmidt Macarthur Fellowship (2015), a global programme that incubates the next generation of circular economy pioneers. He is an expert in future materials and associate researcher for the recently founded Burberry Future Material Research Group, which applies radical thinking to develop more sustainable materials, transform consumer experience and advance manufacturing.

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